MPAHT Origins Part II: Establishing Our Identity

Developing our Logo and Vision

Continuing from Part I of our origin story (which you can read by clicking here), we were eager to make progress. So, what were our next steps?

Without a doubt, we needed more than a hastily created poster. But where do we begin? Enter Eric Boulden of Jump Branding & Design, husband of Andrea Marsan Boulden. After meeting with Eric, Andrea, and a few team members, we soon had a logo, a vision, an early version of a website, and an outline for a PowerPoint presentation!

Although our vision, logo, and presentation have evolved over time, this initial step was vital to our growth. We wouldn’t be where we are now without it. With assistance from Mahima Tripathi’s team, we have recently revamped our website at Saleint Marketing Agency is based in Toronto and supports the Tourism, Meetings, and Hospitality industries to achieve their marketing goals. Their guidance has been indispensable.

What came next? I discovered The Code, an initiative dedicated to protecting children in travel and tourism. As I delved deeper into the alarming world of human trafficking, I was overwhelmed with emotions and often found myself in tears.

Realizing the need for collaboration, we forged alliances with Pact, formerly known as ECPAT USA. There, I met the remarkable Michelle Guelbert, who helped us identify our potential and share resources that helped shape our organization. Though Michelle has since moved on and now serves on our Advisory Council, her contributions remain invaluable. To join The Code officially, we had to collaborate with ECPAT Canada-Beyond Borders. Working together, we met the necessary criteria to become members of The Code, a significant accomplishment in our fight against human trafficking.

On July 30, 2018 – the UN World Day Against Human Trafficking – we signed The CODE alongside the then-president of ECPAT Canada/Beyond Borders. We take immense pride in our achievements both then and now.

Until our next update…
Sandy Biback, Founder

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